
Yellow Belly

Artisan Beer Ireland - Yellow Belly Brewery

Artisan Beer Ireland – Yellow Belly Brewery

Yellow Belly  make beer, and lots of it.

Watched over by Head Brewer, Declan Nixon, they produce a Flagship Range of Four Beers: ‘Citra Pale Ale’ APA, ‘Castaway’ Passionfruit Sour, ‘Kellerbier’ Helles Lager and ‘Hopped in Space’ IPA.

They sell cans (330ml, 440ml & 500ml) and kegs (30L)  of beers, so sorry, no bottles or casks.

As well as their Flagship Beers, they release a steady stream of Limited Editions from their Pilot Kit, some larger batches and  seasonal brews ! They also love teaming up for collaborations with other breweries that we love and respect.

Follow our travels, beers and life at the brewery  using @YellowBellyBeer