
Metalman Brewing

Metalman Brewing was born in 2011 when 2 beer enthusiasts, Grannie Walsh and Tim Barber, decided they’d had enough of the outlandishly limited selection of beer available in Ireland and decided to help do something about it.

Gráinne chucked in her I.T. Job and went about setting up the brewery while Tim stayed at the day job and indulged her madcap notions. The first brews came from the White Gypsy brewery in Tipperary under contract while the Waterford facility was kitted out and production moved across to the Tycor brewery in 2012. Eventually Tim gave in and joined the brewery fulltime as well, no longer able to stand by watching the brewery staff having so much fun while he went to meetings, sat on conference calls and configured wireless access points. *Yawn*

The brewery has been growing ever since, and 2014 saw the arrival of the very first canning line at an Irish craft brewery. Cans started to hit the market in early 2015 and a brewhouse upgrade followed swiftly afterwards.

New seasonals, limited release cans, expanding core ranges and non-stop quality fiend-ism keep everyone very busy at Metalman, but what can we say, making beer is a lot of fun!

What about that Metalman name though Where did that come from?

The name of the brewery is inspired by a navigational aid on the Waterford coast. The figure ometalman5flatf the Metal Man was erected in 1823 after a military transport ship called the Sea Horse was wrecked off the Tramore coast, resulting in a significant loss of life.

The Metal Man stands on one of three pillars overlooking the bay, his purpose to guide seafarers, and keep them on their true course. Very gallant. Plus, he’s rather dapper, isn’t he? We like the name.

The Beers !

To get more information about the beer or to become a stockist contact :


Call :  353 (0) 51 348 448
